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ShareApp - Share photos, videos & Make f





版本需求:Android 5.0 以上版本



聯絡地址:Made with ❤️ in India

ShareApp - Share photos, videos & Make friends(圖1)-速報App

ShareApp is a free social app to share jokes, news, photos, status, videos and promote your events, brand, business and make new friends

Awesome for sharing

Blast out your thoughts, events, photos and comments to everyone in your city. ShareApp allows you to share any kind of image, text and video content. If you like any post you can re-share it on any social media app.

Perfect for business

ShareApp is a perfect place to promote your events, brand and business. Whether you are a restaurant owner or organising a party or starting a new business, share your event, ads and updates and let everyone know about it. You can select your own city and share posts based on that location.

ShareApp - Share photos, videos & Make friends(圖2)-速報App

Great for friendship

ShareApp is a great place to make new friends. You can see what other people are sharing and talking about and you can add them as friends. ShareApp offers a smooth chatting experience to talk to your new friends.

You can use ★Credits to instantly add other users as friends and start chatting with them. All new users are given 5 Credits to start with. Earn more Credits by watching videos or inviting new users. You can also buy more Credits from the app.

How to use?

1. SignIn to your account

ShareApp - Share photos, videos & Make friends(圖3)-速報App

2. Complete your profile and select your city

3. Start posting your content, comments and likes

4. Add friends and talk to them

Benefits of using ShareApp

★ Share your thoughts, photos and videos with other people

ShareApp - Share photos, videos & Make friends(圖4)-速報App

★ Promote your events, brand and business in your city

★ Make friends, plan activities together, shop, go out, eat, watch movies, explore places, or just hang out

★ Entertain yourself and others by sharing content from ShareApp to other social media apps and vice-versa

Private, Safe and Secure

★ Chat privately with your friends

ShareApp - Share photos, videos & Make friends(圖5)-速報App

★ Take full control of your location and posts

★ ShareApp doesn't share your location with anyone

★ Unmatch users you are not interested in

★ Report posts and comments if they are abusive or inappropriate

ShareApp - Share photos, videos & Make friends(圖6)-速報App